Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tabernacle Model

Last week we were reading in our Bible story book about the tabernacle that God told the Israelites to make.  I remembered when I was a kid that I had a booklet that had punch-out pieces with which to build a model tabernacle.  I thought that would be fun to do with the kids – to help them visualize what it looked like rather than just reading about it.

So, I searched on-line and actually found this really neat FREE printable tabernacle model.

We printed it on card-stock paper and cut it out.  (This was a great nap-time keep-him-out-of-trouble activity for Travis.)  Then, in less than 30 minutes we assembled it.

2011003_TabernacleModel02 2011003_TabernacleModel01

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Visuals are so helpful. Maybe next year you guys can go to the Tabernacle Experience. We went this year and I loved how the boys were able to see how each thing pointed to Christ!!
